If the chemical causing the burn is a powder, brush the powder away from the skin first.
Check the package insert for emergency information. For certain dry or powdered chemicals it may not be appropriate to flush the skin with water.
If indicated, flush the skin with cool running water for 20 minutes or more.
Remove any contaminated clothing or jewelry while flushing the skin.
If the eyes are affected, flush eyes with cold water until medical help arrives.
Cover burn with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Do not use a fluffy cloth such as a towel or blanket.
Do not break or pop any blisters.
Keep the person from becoming chilled or overheated.
Take the person to the nearest hospital if there are any signs of shock, difficulty in breathing, or if the chemical burn occurred on the eye, hands, feet, groin, face, buttocks, or over a major joint. Emergency medical assistance is also indicated if the chemical caused a partial-thickness burn greater than 2-3 inches in diameter, or if you are unsure if a substance is toxic.