Friends of Burns Centre (FOBC) was the realization of the thought which was given and executed by the determined and devoted people living in Pakistan. I feel really honored to serve this organization as a President. So many people had been the victims of the incidents of scald, chemical, acid and fire burns, but there was no single hospital facilitating them with 100% free treatment. Analyzing the problem FOBC started facilitating burns patients/victims according to the international standards.
The future plans of FOBC are to open up a few satellite clinics of the Burns Centre all over Pakistan so that more people can be facilitated with our services because for burns injury first 6 hours after burns is crucial. Proper first aid must be provided to the burns patients/victims within 6 hours. We are also planning for launching the prevention awareness campaigns from burns injuries. People should know how to prevent themselves and their dear ones from burn injuries. It will surely help minimize the incidents. It cannot be possible without the support of organizations and individuals. I also would like to request you all to visit the Burns Centre and give us your precious suggestions and feedback. Our service would not have been possible without the blessing of Allah and liberal and generous support of individual donors and organizations/NGOs, who do not hesitate to help us. We are really thankful to them.